Monday 10 December 2012


Another picture post haha! I like taking pictures *(Instagram I love you)

Photos of baking day at Maryam's place a long time ago!
We were watching Bridesmaids and had an insane urge to this ensued.

1. Mix instant brownie batter till it looks good

2.Batter goes into tray, tray goes into oven.
Waiting game begins!

 3. Brownies finally done!

4. cool, then it's time to noms!

 Maryam's helpers were making scones, so we kinda helped too... by making cute shapes!

rest assured haha!

Saturday 8 December 2012


M y last post was in August! Time really flies when we are busy with school!
Now school's out so I have loads of time to catch up where I have left off haha!


Had awesome murtabak at zam zam with my friends

Went to Cyberview resort & spa, they have really nice pools!

I have a tiny obsession with henna art...

 sent parentals off to haj

 Sent Sherin off to Germany!

Omanian Henna that came out really dark!

And welcomed parentals back!
                                There's a lot of gaps in between, but essentially, it was great! :)

Friday 24 August 2012


I am not a perfect human being, nor am I a perfect Muslim.
However, in this wave of " muslimah fashion " that is a tidal wave of hijab styles ranging from the creative to
the downright mental ones, I just want to make it clear.
There's a difference between halal and haram and that difference should be avoided as much as possible. A woman's aurat includes her neck. The part on hijab covering chest is one of contention as it could refer to either the clothes or the headcover.
When we start idolizing people who don't cover properly(I.e the obvious parts of the aurat) and calling them the forerunners of muslimah fashion, we are wrong. Haram police labels asid, in Islam, a wrong is a wrong, no matter how good your intentions are. A white lie is a lie still,so these idols are false idols, not the true ones.
Fashion is not religion. Life is not merely a fashion show, for us to be judged by others on how we look.

Saturday 28 July 2012

28. 07.2012

bigass picture of myself to make up for the fact that I haven't been posting anything cos my life is that drab.
1.   wake up, check twitter,instagram
2.   bathe
3.   mom dictates the day's chores
4.   postpone chores, play with cats
5.   do chores
6.   get bored, play with cats
7.   feed cats
8.   eat
9.   spend the night on the internet
10. going through old pictures.

I need school to start soon. BORED.
And my #photodayjuly? GONE. badabooosh.

Monday 9 July 2012

9. Photodayjuly

#big ring!
1. self-potrait

2. busy - upcoming school schedule

3. best part of my day - curling up in bed with my stuffed toys!
4. fun - IPAD GAMES!
5. On the floor - messy chargers, notebooks! I'm a messy person, guilty as charged!

6. chair - cheated , this is a seat. a really comfortable one.


7. Garden - top - flowers in my garden at home, bottom - view of garden outside my room at the suite^^

8. lunch - friend noodles + scrambled eggs. ultimate comfort food!

Monday, July 9 2012

Haven't been blogging for ages. There's really nothing new in life right about now, but tonight I'm gna be crossing my finger ( I.e. praying ) real hard for my course registeration exercise tomorrow. I do hope to get everything that I want because I planned everything out really nicely...... Another thing I'll be doing will be my #photodayjuly ! I've been wanting to do one of those for ages but I always forgot! Not this month!

i shall be diligent and do this everyday. Instilling back my discipline! (hurr.something I never had.disipline).

Monday 18 June 2012

went for an awesome event on Saturday, courtesy of my friend who got me to write for her.
Writing for her definitely opened up my eyes to online publishing and to get readers commenting on my article has to be the most gratifying feeling ever.
Makes me remember why I chose my degree in the first place and it is also making me realize that with the influx of online media, there are more outlets for us to express ourselves through writing.

Also, the feeling when you see you name in the "byline"...happiness. And it's even better when people that you wrote about are happy with you for writing about them.

Saturday 9 June 2012


I feel the need to document my life yet again. It feels weird that I have absolutely nothing to do at all these days.
However,looking at my proposed schedule for next semester is so freaky. Short of 4 credits, which means that I am still in year 2 and not 3.
So I have decided to overload my next semester by taking twice as many subjects as I normally do. Meow.

Monday 4 June 2012

Daily life

Since my sister gave birth to a new baby, life has been considerably more hectic.
And somehow I feel like a harried new mother, chasing my nephew around my house (which is full of breakable and stairs) and failing to notice his sly ways - he managed to derail our main sliding doors already.
Not bad for a 2 year old tyke.

Thursday 17 May 2012

I was so upset about the iPad drawings that I drew a few more. These drawings are inspired stuff.
Also,I am a beginner at henna really.

                                        1. This is a an example of a "completed" flower. It's 9/10 done though, not fully completed!
 2. A half completed " mango" shaped decoration to be placed beside the flower

3. Another flower! I love floral patterns hurr hurr. Imma girl after all! *defensive*

اجمل فرحة في حياتكم الليلة

I have infinite love for Google. And Google Doodles.
Okay, the actual story was, I was searching for a song that I've heard. But I have no idea what the name of the song was.
So I googled what I thought was the lyrics.
AND SOME HOW I GOT THE SONG. Thanks to the power of Google. And my lyric-deducting skills.
Such a pretty song, with gorgeous lyrics.....I CAN'T STOP LOOPING IT!

Thursday 10 May 2012

The sun, some rain, the endless sky with its fluffy clouds and huge buildings.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Peaceful days

After the exams, everyday is a peaceful one,waiting for the hours to pass by. Idle and quiet.